
All posts tagged Samuel

Edward and Sarah Hale family in color b

Edward and Sarah Jane Sanders Hale family, circa 1890, in Bluejacket, Oklahoma. For more about the Heald/Hale family, click here: Healds & Hales

The Healds/Hales, Lyfords, and related families

The family history presented on these pages is the result of several years of research, many visits to libraries and archives in lots of places, and much help from other researchers.  It is offered here by Cousin Lyford Hale for the family to enjoy, and to assist others in compiling their family histories.  All we ask is that you please not lift this material word for word, unless you also note that the source is Lyford Hale.

These facts and suppositions were carefully compiled, but are certainly not guaranteed to be 100% accurate.  The best advice we can offer for your research is that you use this and what others supply as starting points. Make sure to verify facts before you accept them.

Lyford admits that he did not do that when he began several years ago, being so excited to find dozens of new ancestors that he added much detail without checking sources.  Unfortunately, it turned out that some information he added was not accurate. As a result, he is still weeding early mistakes out of his material.

If you catch an error, please write to Lyford directly at the address shown below.  We’re especially appreciative if you include notes regarding original sources, such as federal, state or county records, and church histories.

To get started on the Heald-Hale or Lyford lines, choose one of the following links:

Heald-Hale Family Reports
Heald-Hale Family Index of Photos
Lyford Family Reports
Lyford Family PhotosUnder construction on the same schedule your contractor is using (apologies, contractors)


Mail questions and/or comments to: lyfordhale1 at icloud dot com