Ruth Harlan

All posts tagged Ruth Harlan

Includes these families and more:
Appleby, Mayo, Henley, Strickland, Crawford, Sawyers

These Hale Family pages are courtesy of Lyford Hale. If you copy this material word for word, please cite Lyford Hale as your source. 

Lyford spent years tracking down as many original source documents as possible.  He visited where the ancestors lived, where they went to church, local hysterical societies, libraries, court houses, and every other repository of state and local records he could find.  He notes that spurious information plagues the internet these days. Please take what you find on the web with a grain of salt — including here — unless original source documents are cited (Court or church records, wills, etc.).

Wishing to present records that are as accurate as possible,  Lyford has made every effort to present facts, not guesses (Okay, a few guesses, but they are noted as such).  And he does offer sources for much of what he posts.  He acknowledges, however, that no one is perfect, must less him, so asks that you contact him at  lyfordhale1 at icloud dot com should you take exception to something you find here.  Additionally, if anyone can show original source documents to take these lines back to the British Isles, or elsewhere,  please contact Lyford.

While you are invited … encouraged even … to submit material and comments, such remarks as “You’re crazy” or “You are an idiot” probably won’t be received in the constructive manner you obviously intended.

One final note: These are Lyford’s working pages and thus include many notes originally intended only for himself. You may, from time to time, find the exact same words on websites posted by other researchers. Rest assured they originated with Lyford, unless otherwise noted.

Click on a link below to open detailed family files stored in PDF format:

Appleby Descendant Chart
Appleby Outline
Appleby Family Report

Crawford – Sawyers Outline Report 
Crawford-Sawyers Family Report

Healds & Hales Descendant Chart
Healds & Hales Outline
Healds & Hales Family Report

Maggs-Mayo-Henley Descendant Chart
Maggs-Mayo-Henley Outline
Maggs-Mayo-Henley Family Report

Saunders-Sanders Descendant Chart  — LH has a lot of new material that will change some of this information.  An update is coming by early 2022
Saunders-Sanders OutlineBeing updated – see above
Saunders-Sanders Family ReportBeing updated – see above

Strickland Descendant Chart
Strickland Outline
Strickland Family Report

Find photos here:

Heald-Hale Family And Related Lines – Photo Index

lyfordhale1 at icloud dot com

Click a link below to open a photo page:

Appleby Photos, Page 1 : Eliza Crawford Appleby, James Barney Appleby, John T. Crawford, Martha Crawford, James Sawyer Crawford house, headstones of Eliza and James Appleby, headstone of James Sawyer Crawford; Suzanna Strickland Appleby, James Newton Appleby, Jimmie, Net, Kate, Emma Appleby

Appleby Photos, Page 2: Under construction

It was a dark and stormy night, a story of mythic proportions …

Carlton H Schurdeleau painting

This is the only known painting by Carlton H. Schurdeleau (open link and forward to page 53) , created circa 1829. Carlton was known for his fictional writing. It is also rumored that he was a child prodigy in the culinary arts, and when not yet 10 was involved in founding the first ever Taco Bell. As family history goes, he formulated the recipes that made Taco Bell the booming business it is today. Family members recalled that one night, after long hours in the kitchen testing his recipes, little Carlton was suffering from a stomach disorder involving “toxic rumblings and explosions” and was unable to sleep. Finding a number of cans of paint left over from sampling potential restaurant wall and sign colors, he began to pour them onto an old board. What resulted is this painting, which he called: “It was a dark and stormy night.” Guess we know where Bulwer-Lytton found the inspiration for his famous opening line of the novel “Paul Clifford,” don’t we? Note: Should you come across other artwork bearing the familiar Schurdeleau name, the family would be excited to hear from you.

(Would we kid about a serious matter like genealogy? )