Are you brave enough to drop your Spider’s convertible top in winter … even on your honeymoon?

Jerry Quinlisk created this terrific scene showing a bevy of creatively winterized Alfa SNOmobiles. To see more of Jerry’s art, or buy your own, track him down on AlfaBB or email jquinlisk at comcast dot net. Art is copyright Jerry Quinlisk 2009. Used with permission.

Serious Alfisti Michael and Tamara Williams went on a honeymoon to remember … in their 1969 Duetto. They took it on a 3200-mile trip that included tents and trees, as seen here.

Tamara and the Duetto, dressed for a winter festival of lights parade in Sacramento, California.

The Williamses’ Duetto is dressed for winter in northern California’s Snowball rally (Not run by us; ours would be the SNOball rally).