If you’re looking for variety, this page has it, from Montreal to modern
- John Parenteau’s GTV6.
- Another GTV6 belonging to John Parenteau.
- One more in John’s stable of six Alfas.
- Yet another of John’s Alfas.
- And John has a Spider for those days when he wants to cruise with the top down.
- Let’s say you’re going to participate in a car show and can’t decide which Alfa to take. What to do? What to do? This is how John Parenteau solved the dilemma.
- Charles Pernot, who livesin the Netherlands, has his Alfa bases covered, old and new. His GT project has a 2L with twinspark engine.
- Charles Pernot modified this 1976 GTV to 75turbo specs.
- Another view of the hot rod Charles created.
- The lovely Alfa 166 3.0 24v of Charles Pernot. It was lowered and tuned by Madeno Racing.
- Alvaro Seco and his Alfas live in Galicia, in the northwest region of Spain. He has an ’84 GTV6, a 1978Alfetta GTV 2000 race car, a 1984 GTV 2.0, and the shared ownership of another race car, shown in its glory days in the next photo.
- This is the 1989 ex-Jolly Club 75 Turbo Evoluzione Group A racer that Alvaro shares with a friend.
- George Willet’s Giulia Super has moved on, but the memories linger.
- George had good times racing from his former home base of Anacortes, Washington. The Willets now live in Arizona where the hot sun has apparently disoriented George and caused him to begin racing Miatas. It’s okay, we still like you.
- James Enloe, from Iowa, sends this artistic shot of one of his Giulietta engines. James writes that he has three Giulietta “abnormales.”
- David Pardo’s 1984 Spider gets a turbo, Megasquirt, and a Tremec T-5 tranny.
- David’s ambitious turbo project. What we want to see now is a video of this baby lighting up the tires!
- Adapting the new T-5 to David’s Spider.
- Pattern to work out how to finish the tranny install.
- Fitting the exhaust on David’s Spider was a challenge.
- Under car view of David’s new tranny and exhaust.